) i, Z. Q- F9 z0 p/ N/ o 耳朵里是那熟悉的旋律,激昂的音符附和着那蝉鸣,编织成这个夏天,最动听的音乐--《thetruththatyouleave》。望着天空闪闪的星星,它是多么神奇的星体,abercrombie and fitch,即便是在那几万光年之外也可以为遥远的地球留下这样美丽的永恒,是的,是永恒,并非瞬间。 + a4 E, ^- j6 B0 s- s! ] # J! d1 A9 e1 Q: p y& U
关于这夏天,我无法用文字贴切的诠释它动人的美。又曾多少次,因这动人的美艳要放弃手中的笔,louboutin,亦多少次,因这盛夏的蝉鸣再次提起笔,续写着宁静的夏夜。月光温柔的洒在这繁华的城市,凝聚在某一时刻,再安静的释放。恍惚间,城市如同被一汪清水笼罩着,透明的容不下一丝的沉淀。匆忙的路人无暇享受着盛夏,Polo Ralph Lauren,而公园的小河中,却有那样一群尚未失去天真的孩童快乐的游玩,夏天有他们的欢笑来点缀,变得异常动人。笑声,混合着蝉鸣,franklin et marshall,美丽的像墙角盛开的栀子花,纯洁高尚。城市的一角,abercrombie et fitch,并不奢望任何,louboutin pas cher。那句到这里就好,那就到这里,让一切安静的长眠。就在这个夏天。3 Z4 k. ]7 k5 H( E- P' N7 X
5 g* ^) K8 Y5 i: \! E8 P0 \ 安静的夏天,躁动的蝉鸣2 W/ v# \! n) o9 c3 A
. l {/ T, X. Y! i* u4 Q7 B# f
原创首发:8093173920 U' }' K1 Q P. X, t
. A1 y1 k$ [4 S1 M* y. w5 O(冰蝶:www.bingdie.com) : c3 N, U% s+ K9 R, k相关的主题文章: - Q4 A7 d$ Z x% w! v( J9 D4 { - o+ Z; ]( n; D4 X: d
' W: U8 ^" m2 g" H a big crowd 7 L' I& u5 ^( j& Y; S$ U 0 f9 `# A( i) ~left arm and helped by her mother! v2 s: z3 `5 D& z
# z, v9 L/ Z- q) j却宁愿就这样永远不再醒来/ l; L7 [- s& l& I* S% x
4 R" P: X/ h F% X& K2 h+ G
0 |% Z9 u/ d) _4 p6 v' P: R"We are not seeing any specific new type of weapons on the battle field," Brigadier General Carsten Jacobson responded to a query at a press conference here.0 i1 p$ h) |, R* M5 w
He made the remarks two days after the crash of NATO's CH-47 Chinook helicopter in eastern Afghanistan's Wardak province on Saturday that left 38 people dead including 30 soldiers of the U.S. Special Force, one local interpreter and seven Afghan commandos.5 j# h" _' A% t Y
The deadly air incident for which Taliban claimed of responsibility has suggested that the outfit might have received anti-aircraft gun to target NATO's planes in Afghanistan. . F9 @. }- B1 |% w p$ S. `+ g4 A9 `"We are still investigating this incident so we have no picture of what was the cause for the incident," he said. & N5 N$ K% m, U5 a) PAccording to local media, at least 17 NATO and Afghan army helicopters have crashed or made emergency landing since the beginning of this year in Afghanistan.作者: dingyiyi 时间: 2011-8-14 21:08
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