3 {: r2 l$ _/ X: K" Y' W/ P9 O/ {9 \8 r 37-year- old Xu , who is a motorcycle parts factory workers in south area . In 2007, he left the Motorcycle Factory intends to do business. Tan surname of a friend he means the way: do not transported from Guangzhou to Chongqing iodized salt sales. ; W3 c$ y7 I3 F- l3 F4 p% C- ` - E$ ~* h9 _, B# U
Yuqing Temple and under YuBeiOu rent and other homes when the Treasury. Xu also employed his brother and high school students , etc. These industrial salt put into the same false purchased from Guangdong , ,ralph lauren polo, transformed into iodized salt,vetement ralph lauren, flows into the city more than 10 counties , appears in the consumer table. / n. ~% k/ u- B* r) T1 L: c" g
4 W3 p4 c: `9 p( t. ? 2008年11 months, Xu was arrested. March 10 last year , the High Court of second instance by the city , Xu was sentenced to imprisonment for illegal business 13 years . ) s% @( ~" s) I" w; w/ W
5 i* [- ~ ]) K4 E2 s) s, l: G
selling fake salt confused wives and children / @) D' O( F! z7 j5 I
+ w6 a2 l4 z3 J% _: w6 A hope for an early release from prison to see his son 5 N0 ~7 k3 Q4 ~& E, _) l 9 B# S. P! Y8 g9 z) M
: `$ ~) _# Q4 L3 c
Xu said , and he is punished. Year sentence , his wife divorced him , but also take away his son. Because of their sentences , he could only stand separated like piercing . 1 h* i9 k6 z; I- b / N6 i) V; V+ o. k2 [. }) B & |0 i1 O1 Z+ a [& S# o- g2 U last August , in his jail more than 3 months later, his wife and his divorce , but took until this year for 10 year old son. 8 S' w( `. \+ P! K1 `2 Y! [
- o$ e" K/ _+ t, N; ^5 T- B
Discipline police confirmed that Xu has been active in prison reform after .作者: ormx89951 时间: 2011-6-22 17:21
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: zhijue 时间: 2011-6-23 11:49
强烈请求斑竹把不是松香的帖子一律删除, 免得浪费大家的时间去看.作者: 小灵通 时间: 2011-8-8 22:35
1~6月份出口松香及深加工数量同比增幅明显。作者: xlwc 时间: 2011-8-9 09:33
支持27楼的!作者: 松香中 时间: 2011-8-9 21:18
估计月底至下月初将会有短期反弹…作者: 小灵通 时间: 2011-8-9 23:03
1、今年产量分析:(承包亏损下山)+(云南禁采扩大)+(南方大旱大涝)+(预测秋冬干旱)=总量减少或持平。 ' G9 H! W* P4 `0 h) ^9 G # ^& }& W& O. G' ?3 S- @9 X2、目前供求分析:(脂农脂贩囤货)+(工厂收脂困难)+(现货库存偏少)+(出口用量增加)=脂价香价大反弹。 ! |/ B9 {9 Z8 i( }; _' J% [8 @( H( `
以上等式是否成立?请各位发表高见吧!呵呵!!! 5 U0 S0 o- L* m作者: kitgs8y1 时间: 2011-8-13 16:42
提示: 作者被禁止或删除 内容自动屏蔽作者: 小灵通 时间: 2011-8-15 16:06
国内糖价冲击每吨8000元 较两年前价格已经翻番 ' A; A% H( j( F* F% [8 d( I% w3 ^ 1 r4 {- I# Q) g. d& N8 R; O 来源:新华网上海8月15日电(记者陈云富)随着一年一度用糖高峰的到来,“糖高宗”再次卷土重来。数据显示,到目前,华东、中原等地的白糖现货市场报价已高达每吨8000元,几乎较两年前翻番,期货市场价格在经历美债危机冲击后基本回到前期高点。2010年,白糖由于价格持续大涨被戏称为“糖高宗”,如今价格再创新高,“糖高宗”为何“难退位”?( _, {0 t$ C4 v6 c. ~ @, Q
3 j9 h3 q1 |& Z; T& B9 C 糖价两年近翻番 涉糖产品多调价, f& n. ~# U, V2 g$ x( `5 n* N
. p+ e1 {$ P F1 g# U* ~
广西糖网数据显示,到本月12日,包括西北、华东以及中原等大部分白糖销售地区现货报价已达到每吨8000元以上,涨幅较大的兰州地区报价高达8100元。“尽管价格基本上较2009年翻番,但产销区价格近期几乎每天都在上涨,尤其是中秋节即将来临,市场预期会经历一波需求的高峰。”业内人士表示。8 f7 l7 {/ T: C9 F X" w
8 c$ H8 P( V) V. p% N$ V" Z7 z
实际上,八月初,国家发改委刚向市场投放了本榨季以来的第七批储备糖,但市场仍“越抛越涨”,最新成交价也高于历次抛储成交价,再创新高,显示市场在消费旺季的供不应求。, X* c( [0 G. a' P' ?% H
- }8 R6 e) }. @% ]4 S2 S: _$ ]
现货的连创新高也推动期货价格异常强劲。在下半年,尽管先后经历欧洲、美国主权债务危机的洗礼,但投资者发现,大宗商品市场除了避险色彩浓厚的黄金等贵金属表现抢眼外,白糖也毫不逊色。5 F( f) w4 Q! u8 H
. O0 m1 L# I) D/ x
统计数据显示,在8月1日到12日金融市场受冲击最明显的两周里,跟踪白糖期货价格表现的白糖指数最大跌幅也未超过1.5%,而国内商品市场同期整体下跌了近5%,如果加上7月份市场的强劲表现,下半年以来,郑州商品交易所白糖期货价格累计涨幅超过8.5%,远强于包括铜、铝等其他商品。- e; E. I8 k% ^: P( M/ n i