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发表于 2005-6-29 15:28:00 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
, W' K) E8 S5 R1 v这取决于您使用的目的,灵活包集此三种功能于一体,您用于什么目的,它就是什么,您同时实现这些目的时,这三种目的实现的成本将降到最低,从而增强您产品的市场竞争力。前面的帖子我们重点介绍了灵活包在油料出口国际运输以及包装方面的特点和优势,见: http://www.wood-oil.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardID=3&ID=2729
, l8 ^8 K2 ?5 B7 `
; M1 d  F3 P" g1 ^' v* l/ ^, Bhttp://www.wood-oil.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=3&id=2729&replyID=19750&star=2&skin=
) V" U4 F6 K1 ^; k6 Q0 Z
2 ^4 V9 j( t4 S$ K2 K# lhttp://www.wood-oil.com/bbs/dispbbs.asp?BoardID=3&id=2729&replyID=19750&star=3&skin=1 P4 ]2 O9 w' r+ O  \" o8 X
) r/ |0 b* ^, [0 |& V% W+ P
- d+ S+ E5 Y  `& O: J
$ B, P+ L  ?! `5 e  o& S& d9 a静态仓储,灵活实现: + i' A7 X3 A( Y- M- b9 ~2 b/ k
0 Q, s/ G- j7 L) g
! ?' u8 L9 U1 n6 ^& |) K; v. U6 Y第一,        油罐购买成本过于昂贵。对于固定设备的投入要量入为出。但购买灵活包的一次性投入费用却十分有限,大为降低,但存储的容量却没有减少
5 @( q3 N# t. g" ]: v, J, ?# }4 e" h7 S: l
第二,        油罐平日里维护保养费用高。油罐平时的维护保养费用也是一笔不小的投入。但灵活包的维护保养却十分低廉,几乎可以忽略;7 r0 _% w7 P9 u7 @& `2 Y

$ J2 M+ l8 n9 I, |" h第三,        油罐增加大量退出成本。油料市场,尤其是国际市场,竞争激烈,难免出现波动,这时投入大量的固定资本,例如:油罐。对于规避风险或者投资转向就会带来不必要的退出成本。反之灵活包却没有这方面的担忧。
5 ~5 H- [+ \. {! Z8 z3 X- `3 r* P' {$ |
第四,        油罐安装使用受场地限制。油罐的安装不仅费用高,技术难,而且对场地也有较为严格的选择。但使用灵活包做仓储工具可以因地制宜、方便实现。随时随地的可以满足一些临时的、应急的存储需要。比如一个场院或者空的房子可以随时通过用灵活包来实现若干个独立的存储罐。
( Z( K. q: u8 t  |  D5 I$ T' b4 n7 D' I( [) \
7 }% O* D2 ^4 @  [; E, d我们已经对灵活包(集装箱液袋)在中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司投了产品责任险。赔偿限额:640万人民币; 承保区域:世界范围(美、加地区除外)  ;保险期限:自2005年6月20日零时起,至2006年6月19日二十四时止。
; G  X0 O6 Z9 l! ~  |* \6 Y2 i5 B
; f  L. a" Y% h% e2. 国际上船运公司均能接受承运内置有灵活包的集装箱吗?
/ b0 ~! D3 F# b7 s& n, e7 K. J没有问题,连以安全要求严格而著称的"马士基-海陆"和"美国总统"这两家船公司,也早已经开始承运这种包装方式的液体货物。 有一点很重要,各船公司对灵活包设备供应商及服务商是有专业要求的。) [, Z5 @, k0 \# I+ k& p

1 O+ h3 o, J  e" V" t3. 采用灵活包这种包装方式,贸易合同中包装条款如何立?
( y% k# X" Q3 I. x$ J3 ~8 T: Z散装。您也可以同时注明用灵活包包装,国际上,灵活包(FLEXITANK)作为包装方式,在合同条款中如同"桶"、"袋"等一样的量词,已被广泛地理解并接受。
  H5 R3 E" i, J6 B+ o
- H" g. }1 c, D: T0 m1 b1 o
  h0 t  N2 [! O3 ?! V4 ]- O5 r4. 灵活包的出口运输方式;包装方式;包装尺寸;包装重量(毛,净重量)?3 U9 d' Z' `1 R4 Q$ B, J' q
灵活包的出口运输方式: 适合于海运, 陆运,铁路等。5 }! c( `$ v9 F. b( s
7 Z. I+ h$ Q9 D% N$ P* |: z灵活包的包装: 硬制纸箱
. G, `; H7 }3 T8 s包装尺寸(mm): 1900X400X400
+ y5 R4 ~: l5 v' o, f2 r7 {$ [毛重: 56公斤
9 N6 L1 `6 N* O9 l) ~净重: 50公斤2 X" q8 r+ h% Y4 M5 M, I# s
展开后尺寸:7450X4000mm (24000L型号): p, @- ?/ g' M( G& x2 T0 T

, V6 r- i& \: |' n7 F5. 使用灵活包的优势在哪?& D, `+ S- a( A7 T$ c) e( \
我司目前提供一次性使用的灵活包。其材质及所装液体货物的特性而定。使用灵活包的价格很难予以明确统一的答复,依用户具体产品及业务需求不同而不同,但有一点可以确定,利用灵活包的包装和储运成本,一定较传统的铁桶包装和油罐箱有大幅度的降低。$ d4 c+ W6 T: q! l( O
1 i, d) Q2 I- X; D
具体地讲:3 W* X7 R' D1 r3 F  ~9 r2 l
' |0 u9 S7 _  }) a) s! l& I
与铁桶包装相比较:3 {* k( k+ w: J* O  }0 m
1)每个20英尺标准集装箱最多装运80个200公升铁桶,以每个铁桶150-200元人民币计算,每次装运一个集装箱货物的包装成本为12000-16000元人民币,而目前我司每个灵活包的价格均大大低于每个集装箱的铁桶价格,仅包装成本已有明显降低;3 H4 g  a2 j$ |/ z8 `) A2 T- |

( s( L6 Q* ~; [$ M8 M& l2)若再考虑到每个20'尺集装箱用铁桶装运时最多为16000公升,而使用灵活包最多可装到24000公升,桶装基础上所需支付的运费不变,却可多装8000公升货物;或者讲,原来需4个标箱装运的货物,现在3个标箱就够了,节省了1个标箱的运输成本和包装成本,单位运费成本又降低了许多;1 `! v, v  Z( w2 k# U0 `  i% [

4 ]. s4 ?4 Y0 o3)再加上灵活包完全免除了桶装货物所需的操作程序,人力,工时及所需物料等诸多方面的成本开支,其优势就更加明显了。& i' M2 q7 `1 B) w) v7 x# Y/ u
1 l' p2 \( Q& {+ ]
与油罐箱(ISO TANK)相比较:2 A/ O% S& T; b
1)        每个"灵活包"的最大液体容积为24000公升,与油罐箱相同,但海运费用是以普通20'标箱计算,较油罐箱高额的海运费用相比,有很大的降低。& _" F/ ]% n, E& N& A+ Q! @

( ~2 P  r5 W8 f0 y, q' I2)        油罐箱的供应和分配受诸多条件的制约,往往影响客户正常的进出口计划,再加上较高的内陆渡箱运费和装卸成本,更加重了客户的负担。而"灵活包"不受供应、分配、地域和环境的影响,及时、高效和安全。
0 _& \+ q: b, a. g! K! w
/ j0 O* F9 P+ H& p% a' Z. _6. 灵活包在海外市场的推广模式?- X8 z* f/ ~( q" K
从业六年来,我们在对海外市场的灵活包业务拓展方面取得了长足的进展,客户分布遍及东南亚、欧洲、日本、北美地区;并和一些知名企业建立的良好的合作关系,如P&G(宝洁)、Kodak(柯达),CALTEX(加德士润滑油),SHELL(壳牌石油)等。我们对海外客户联系的名称是:NANJING   RELIANCE   TRADING   CO ., LTD 。多年来,我司的英文名称NANJING   RELIANCE   在海外积累了良好的口碑,RELIANCE  FlexiTank 灵活包的销量也在逐年稳步增长。建议大家在向海外客户推荐灵活包以降低运营成本时候,英文名字统一在RELIANCE  FlexiTank,这样比较容易接受。我司海外业务的负责人为Mr. Cox  Zhu。
0 l6 G7 t9 B; C3 v/ L. N
6 i/ b0 L$ _' V! u% ]9 u 7. 服务以及培训?
' Y/ ?' M7 v9 h4 t2 k; x) v' c; B在涉及海外客户的交流方面,我们可以提供详尽的英文资料以及和外方交流的服务,力求让客户满意我们共同的服务。1 R# ?8 c1 f  U  {, C) M9 O
对于初次使用集装箱液袋的朋友,我们可以提供一系列的、多种形式的培训服务,使大家熟练掌握使用技巧。培训的模式也将按照客户的要求和实际情况,提供形式多样的培训方式。/ g3 L. a4 \* H' z- V

. P+ ]9 z7 ^0 U$ |4 P
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-6-29 15:37:37编辑过]

* h& |4 U# ^2 {* n1 m1 \7 C
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发表于 2016-2-15 22:49:03 | 只看该作者
. @% A2 P  v5 }/ t. g" S
0 t$ |2 D: H8 A) y- \7 l
% ~/ j+ x4 h7 f+ H5 j
6 N3 T5 C% V' B3 c5 |& `5 k
' ~, I# d7 X8 ]9 S( F' n3 C* {# k; j* y

; F8 f: ]" v, b8 o7 F! A+ B4 u; X3 [0 x9 V; a1 ]

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: l0 j0 V) {6 p7 I. K
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发表于 2011-7-4 18:59:00 | 只看该作者
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发表于 2011-6-28 23:45:00 | 只看该作者
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7月26 at 1 pm, Public Security Bureau received Gao'an Sohn police said the victim , his 10 minutes ago in the city a certain Internet cafe Internet, by four 16- year-old young beat out of Internet cafes , and stole a cash value of 700 yuan and 1,300 yuan phone .
6 s% f% J4 q! I; c 2 p/ m0 h. ^5 r- F  C( l# K
police rushed to the scene to investigate. According to the police before the clues and identify the victim Sohn photos , police quickly identified one of the suspects surnamed Huang .
9 O! l1 A( Q! T* l # W3 K+ t8 L% o' V& ?* o0 N; }& l
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after a member of the gang may have heard of an underground casino after hundreds of million in cash , gang Humou, Xiong , who then organized more than 10 gang members , and to prepare two cars to machetes and more , prepared to Unexpectedly,christian louboutin chaussures, began operations on not arrested. According to the investigation,christian louboutin pas cher, members of the group Liu , Huang , together with four other people were also pry shop theft offenses two , Theft of goods worth nearly 2,000 yuan.
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发表于 2011-6-28 23:43:00 | 只看该作者
knees. , leading to a classmate enraged, and Vice President had an argument.  
) }0 ], Z- i$ h: `5 S. K2 d" H beatings of students drink, Vice President
! d; U2 m# ^2 h6 B$ B2 x6 J 3 @7 E# t9 o) ?
party called Yan Xin, a high school sophomore Hushan (5) classes.  
# a, V) r4 r; O
/ {7 m1 G% z# [ " [+ C2 ~7 X/ _
sitting in the third row of the first group, the head of the first row sat the third group, he crossed the aisle to work this into the head of the seat.  # j( b' r" _* B+ ~; v  X
At this time,chaussures louboutin, passing inspections, Vice President Song Yi, came in,prix louboutin,  
# B6 k: G% J6 x/ X) h the front row sitting in the classroom, according to a classmate recalls: was launched classroom, Song, Vice President asked him: so rude? p> 8 A( D$ z' m' y% D4 ~4 I( ?4 `
Upon seeing the vice president of Song, pointing to him, and shouted out: ah?  
+ F4 R0 _! l: g- h- n! g! k3 U students: Vice President requested an apology / E' H! T, f% q9 n8 R
( ^5 M- W) S4 {8 t* D7 R. Q
At that time, other students could not stand to hear these words, and have accused the vice president come from the Song: kneel ah? have to be outdone: classes of students to hear voices, have left the classroom, and the scene a bit confused.  9 \$ j! m& M- h$ O
teachers rushing over hearing the news. High School (5) political and religious classes at the vice squad was called out of a classroom teacher, , there are 23 boys. After the event, the class to find the principal's office discussing the boys.  
1 T1 D; N( g" R  ( k& j. n3 Z7 C$ Y
evaluation 2 Q2 q9 g" J+ J0 b1 e
. O0 J. F& F$ a$ V5 K+ V: z& [
students: The vice president was a little unlucky + l$ e& e! T. `8 o/ g. s

6 V( v0 H. W* L3 U$ X for Song, Vice President, the evaluation of the students is: usually like to curse, looks fierce !  3 Z% [- s8 a) n( H
saw a girl smiling,chaussure christian louboutin, pointed to her, said: students of collective unrest.  
7 S6 [7 G. B% {. H, L  z% _ for Yan Xin, the students of the assessment is  5 g: |) `. y& U
  m* ^+ D- y7 @; X
4 U3 n+ b4 |5 D Song, Vice President: no abuse, is a minor collision
  H3 |0 `1 u7 n3 i) a2 z
. X7 i5 ^! k4 Y% w7 K: i
" ]$ N/ b$ `, i1 a$ H9 _ kneel for the one that called Yan Xin, Song, Vice President denied : , II (1) class and two (5) classes are ordinary classes, that is their own expense, classes, usually are more mischievous, difficult to manage. That night I visited the Second (5) classes, I saw a student is moving around the classroom , will he pull out of the classroom. the criticism and education,  
7 R- ~, T! {) y3 M7 D* E; c/ g narration 5 t* S; V! k  b  g, e

7 |4 f/ v. J4 r4 @( c+ N Teacher: bad knees have told the students that
" C* ?3 Q% r; i$ T
  e2 W, }# q: i7 B# D
) N& X5 t6 ^) f  t# N# ` discipline, especially for night classes during the students walk around, or play slapstick grasped quite strict. the students left their seats and homework, just to see the vice president to be sung, so he was criticized for. > 5 s! U" O0 b8 o  p$ F5 U9 r
When asked whether the vice president of Song Yan Xin knelt called when the teacher some hum and haw, knees really hard to tell. very responsible,christian louboutin chaussures, are good, the situation did not happen. However, in March of this year onwards there were two students fight, brawl, school committee a headache.  
; D1 g# A  ~  |3 X1 K' {1 r 5 12, the Executive Council held Hushan school, decided to rectify the school discipline, the slogan is:  ) H2 ^: q6 p* g8 r- J. Y; ]7 x
two classes has become a main object of attention.  
8 ~+ i% E* m7 N  s* j# K may be only temporary blurted out, he will not really allow students to his knees.  
' j- ~! w* n' | p>
5 B, s2 M. i1 V- P! k! g$ k1 W antagonism stems from the conflict ' @5 j9 M) u$ D/ ~! U' z
- d# p( O! @  ]( X. [
students a no irregularities,christian louboutin pas cher, but was the vice principal of the Regardless of who is right, but the incident is clearly not accidental,louboutin pas cher, this is a special event under the intensification of emotion in the outcome.  
) C2 ^7 T/ E% k. E* q) g 7 r7 N+ }$ b% s
while some students were not satisfied with the results of this process, they just want to give the parties  
' g5 p5 i% h( g Baidu Post Bar in Hushan school, and some students from the public led to the school nickname, common to unload with impunity; the other hand, those naughty school leaders, students who do not love learning, and turn iron into steel. Between teachers and their potential mood, in the form of a confrontation between the two.
发表于 2010-3-5 12:34:00 | 只看该作者


$ t1 ?' w1 g: k: @0 }! b. Lwww.valleylily.net
 楼主| 发表于 2006-4-10 17:09:00 | 只看该作者
谢谢大家对南京润耐斯长久以来的支持!为了感谢大家,我司将按照承诺在今年5.1期间安排海外旅游活动.再次提醒,请于去年(2005年1-12月底内)从我司累计购买50只以上(含50只)灵活包,且目前尚未收到我司信件的客户,在四月十五日前及时与我司联系!谢谢!---南京润耐斯 市场部
发表于 2005-11-21 18:31:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-11-21 15:51:00 | 只看该作者
4 s0 b7 n8 b/ \" S8 \1 W5 \# T. c# `3 U2 f; k# X3 x* y- |3 ?3 P
发表于 2005-11-21 15:41:00 | 只看该作者
 楼主| 发表于 2005-10-31 14:44:00 | 只看该作者


. S0 j0 O; e6 ~1 Q: ]8 z% X  q& x公司名称:4 r/ A: {2 q7 |2 m9 v
联系人:1 ?! P  v9 Y: F0 ~
; M2 U' t& r& ], _  R主营产品:  I) Q! v2 \7 f  e0 ^. e1 Z
; c/ f" l2 {3 a$ C4 a特别要求:# ^: {9 Y' j9 [; f+ I+ O

5 g1 [4 A- o& e, J5 j, L5 t您所提供的信息越详细,我们的资料提供的就能越准确!
+ j4 p8 h2 G6 _$ s2 Y! m# ]0 t( k, n, J
您可以通过如下3种不同的方法与我司联系:- G) h( c3 \; s0 L( Z  k
1.打电话# B( B. Z& P. l8 p7 F* `! J
, {. H, {' p$ r* P+ P& ~* e7 ^* f3.发送电子邮件:  info@reliancechina.com  
6 ?8 S/ o% f' i1 n2 a& c! r) M$ r3 D" [* W
随着桐油等等林化产品上市期的到来,我司衷心预祝广大的客户生意兴隆,财源广进.7 e0 j8 a7 ^* S2 @7 M
同时,也希望我司的灵活包能够在产品的包装运输上贡献一份力量!9 N' e' _( g, v0 f6 I
7 s# t2 t% {- C' Q* F4 R
南京润耐斯商贸有限公司( B2 e) n% I2 |2 G
/ t5 w- w9 u) W8 v4 z3 T! k: W! j. z电话:025-846056925 J/ n4 w8 r& F  C; l' N! R
传真:025-84605693$ C- E4 t0 e' X! j  |9 |) _
网址: www.reliancechina.com* T' R) ?! ~7 j! x' [7 ]  Q/ `
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