Wood-based Globe Shape Activated Carbon for Automotive Canisters/ F' ~& ? o9 j4 ~3 Q) \
The grade has been specialty designed for gasoline vapour capture in petrol fulled vehicles evaporative loss control devices and on board vapour recovery systems with superior butane wording capacity, low flow restriction and high hardness characteristics. Provides the products for different specifications according to customer's needs.! F e( Q% r: V# o* Q
/ |% w! l/ Q9 ~7 t6 q
( x; }" ?) E( x# k7 P specifications * V5 S% _+ X# N9 L# B
(B.W.C) g/100ml 11.5-15.5
1 d3 r) ]: f# g' M Surface area m2/g 1400~2400
D9 e3 Z. D- W* `: lBulk density g/ml 0.28~0.35
8 M, `$ c+ l/ l% B( O. |Hardness % 60~80. d6 t7 z o/ K
Ash % 5
- e6 s* d* _8 u) h0 R: x R! LParticle size mesh 8×25% [. T/ X/ r" _# ^7 Q. g
- {3 T! s- j2 G0 C1 [' R" g
, A1 n& B" H8 l) C
9 e. {+ B" y% O/ V
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-25 15:20:20编辑过]
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